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The round table was held on July 1, 2020, at the Hilton Hotel in Dushanbe. Round table on the topic: "Access to reproductive rights and health of persons with disabilities: Barriers and prospects".

The event raised issues that hinder the realization of the reproductive rights and health of women and men with disabilities, as well as an action plan was developed during the event, and the participants gave their

recommendations to eliminate these barriers.

The event was organized with close cooperation and support of the Executive Office of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Tajikistan.

The following topics have been raised in presentations of the below mentioned presenters:

• Implementation of the right to reproductive health of persons with disabilities in Bokhtar, Khujand, Konibodom and Dushanbe: national laws, policies and strategies, plans, actions taken. Ghanizoda Munira - Director of the National Center for Reproductive Health

• Access to health facilities in Konibodom and Khujand - Sitora Qurbonova - Chairperson of the NGO Women with Disabilities “Safoi Konibodom”

• “Sexual education of young people with disabilities” - Sabohat Hakimzoda - Chairman of the Association of Parents of Children with Disabilities

• Access to information on reproductive health for the deaf and blind. Zebo Bidieva and Nigina Mavlonazarova are sign language experts.

As well the First Deputy Minister of Health and Social Protection Shodikhon Jamshed took part in the round table.

At the end of the round table, a recommendation plan for the government was developed.

The Letter - Appeal of public organizations of the Republic of Tajikistan on the observance of reproductive and sexual rights and health of men and women, boys and girls with disabilities were drafted during the round table. The organizations gave their recommendations at the Round Table, now the Appeal Letter is under consideration, after receiving all the additions, the text of the Appeal will be translated into Tajik and sent to the Government.


Последнее изменение Четверг, 27 Август 2020